Ekho Voices

Ekho Voices
Ekho Voices is a free 7-in-1 text-to-speech voice pack that supports a variety of Asian languages. Mandarin, Cantonese, Zhaoan Hakka, Ngangien, Korean, Tibetan, and English are all included! Each language uses its own unique voice to synthesize text to speech. Ekho voices will detect input automatically in Balabolka and speak the proper language when there is a mix of English and another as well.

Ekho Mandarin Reading 钱唐湖春行

Ekho Cantonese Reading 床前明月光

Ekho Zhaoan Hakka Reading 床前明月光

Ekho Ngangien Reading 床前明月光

Ekho Korean Reading 안 녕

Ekho Tibetan Sample

Ekho English reading Night Thoughts

-7-in-1 text-to-speech voice pack
-Support for Cantonese, English, Korean (experimental), Mandarin, Ngangien, Tibetan, and Zhaoan Hakka.
-Compatible with SAPI5 programs
-Linux and Android version available

Windows 7 or later (XP and Vista untested)
Ubuntu Linux
Android 4.0+ (Ekho 5.8)
Android 2.x (Ekho 5.6)

-Due to my primitive Mandarin skills, I am unaware of whether other Chinese dialects contain different grammar structures.
-Ekho Tibetan (Windows version) appears to have an issue with rendering text-to-speech. Some characters may not produce a sound! The Linux version is fine though!
-I am not aware of which accent this Tibetan TTS voice follows.
-Ekho Zhaoan Hakka did not recognize the "霜" character while synthesizing speech.
-Source code can be found here

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