IVONA Céline is a French android voice, powered by BrightVoice Technology. Like all IVONA voices, Céline provides a wonderful alternative to the stock text-to-speech voice included in Android smartphones. Céline can be a reading aid, system narrator, virtual assistant voice, or simply be used to voice videos. She is a wonderful free French text-to-speech solution!
Voice Sample of Céline reading Les Misérables:
Female French text-to-speech voice
Compatible with smartphone devices
Compatible with ebook applications
Usable as system voice
Endless potential...
Android 1.6+
xAPK Installer
Instructions to install (visual guide):
Download IVONA HQ first and install onto your smartphone.
Install APKPure into your smartphone.
Place XAPK Céline file anywhere in the phone's internal storage (NOT SD CARD).
Open APKPure, select App Management, scroll to "APK/XAPK Management".
Install IVONA Céline XAPK.
If prompted that XAPK is not allowed to install applications, allow from the source.
Also, install IVONA Text-to-Speech HQ with APKPure when prompted in the application.
To set Céline as the default TTS voice:
Go to settings, click "General management".
Select "Language and input" then "Text-to-Speech".
Select IVONA text-to-speech engine then enable Céline.